The problem is keeping an erection Viagra or erectile dysfunction!

What is the cause of erectile dysfunction?

The multiple standard reasons for erectile dysfunction can be traced to vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis (thickening of the arteries) or endothelial dysfunction. However, another reason can be linked to psychological factors, such as StressStress, performance anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, it can occur following trauma or injury to the penis due to the intake of certain drugs (Cenforce) or because of Peyronie's disease (presence of calcified plaques in the penis).

In many cases, the dysfunction is caused by physical and psychological problems. For instance, low-grade biological fitness can restrict the sexual reaction and push implementation worry in keeping an erection. 

We can classify the causes into two macro groups:


Physical causes

As expected, erectile dysfunction is driven by a material issue in many cases. 


· Secured blood crafts (atherosclerosis).

· Increased cholesterol.

· High blood anxiety.

· Diabetes.

· Obesity.

· Metabolic syndrome applies to increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist, and high cholesterol.

· Parkinson's disease.

· Multiple sclerosis.

· Some pill drugs like Aurogra 100 mg.

· Benefit of tobacco.

· Peyronie's ailment - growth of fault tissue inside the penis.

· Pills for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate.

· Surgery or damage acting the pelvic place or spinal line.


Psychological causes

Our brain plays a crucial role in triggering the series of physical events that cause an erection, starting with feelings of sexual arousal. Multiple items can hinder sexual emotions and push or vex erectile dysfunction; these include:

· Pit, fear, or different mind healthiness needs

· Tension

· Relationship problems due to StressStress, poor communication, or other worries


Difficulty in maintaining an erection when is it a problem?

We must be realistic because everyone can happen, for various reasons, to run into episodes of erectile dysfunction (Cenforce 150mg) that we can define as occasional. These are not and do not pose a problem! Give a benchmark and be more specific, less than once every five reports. These episodes must not cause concern because they often occur on special occasions like alcohol abuse, drug abuse, or physical fatigue.

However, experience shows that even these individual episodes can have psychological implications that create stress and performance anxiety which, in turn, trigger further bouts of erectile dysfunction, giving rise to a vicious cycle that feeds on itself.


How is erectile dysfunction struck?

Getting an Andrologist is the only worthwhile effort in combating erectile dysfunction. The Andrologist is the multiple suitable specialists to treat this problem. The expert's diagnosis is vital because, as we have seen before, the causes of male impotence are many.

How do you improve an erection?

Later, we will see different options like Tadacip 20 and Fildena Pills for treating erectile dysfunction. Still, it is good to understand that there are no magic pills and that each patient has their medical history and uniqueness. The treatments that are proposed in Doctors Advanced Care centers are based on two fundamental points:

1. Set up a personalized therapy that will allow the patient to achieve more solid erections and continue to have satisfying sexual activity.

2. Choose tailored treatments that correct the different underlying causes of erectile dysfunction.


Penile resurrection and physiotherapy


These are medicines that permit you to reinvigorate and rejuvenate the tissues, enhancing the agency of erection.

· Wonder spiral treatment.

· Pelvic footing strengthening activities.

· Vascular Surgery to grow blood discharge or decrease venous leakage.


Risk factor monitoring

The correlation between some diseases and ED is known. Diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and hypogonadism affect the patient's erectile capacity. Change the lifestyle, taking drugs for the indicated pathologies, and even going so far as to replace them in case they cause, as a side effect, erectile dysfunction or a decrease in libido can significantly improve erectile performance.


Psychotherapy (psychosexual antidote)

In general, ED is a multifactorial process resulting from the interaction of biological, cognitive, emotional, and relational factors that contribute to its onset. For this reason, psychotherapy, combined with other treatments, can be a valuable aid in improving the patient's sexual function.

Lifestyle changes

Although medical conditions can contribute to erectile dysfunction, the responsibility often lies with unhealthy habits: modifying your lifestyle can force a fundamental distinction. The most common risk factors are:

· Bad nutrition

· Smoke

· Sedentary lifestyle

· Excessive alcohol consumption

· StressStress




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